”Tiger Crane” Episode 13 Plot Summary:
In the 13th episode of “Tiger Crane Demon Master Record”, the plot revolves around the trial of Baihua Mountain and the conspiracy of the One-Eyebrow Fairy. In order to cover up the crime, the One-Eyebrow Fairy killed Ximen Miaomiao and impersonated her to sneak into the candidates. Before Miaomiao died, she released a warning smoke bomb into the air. After seeing it, Qi Xiaoxuan and Miaomiao’s lover Mo Guzi immediately rushed to Baihua Mountain.
At this time, the thousand-year-old giant bee attacked the candidates in Baihua Mountain, and Hu Zi, Xintong, Wang Yuqian and others faced a huge challenge. In order to save the candidates, Hu Zi and Xintong bravely attracted the giant bee to the cave, while Wang Yuqian took the opportunity to rescue others with bricks outside. However, in the cave, Xintong and Hu Zi were no match for the giant bee, and the situation was very critical. In order to save Xintong, Hu Zi reluctantly jumped off the cliff holding the giant bee, but was swallowed by the thousand-year-old giant bee.
This scene was witnessed by Qi Xiaoxuan and Mo Guzi who rushed to the scene. They immediately joined the battle and fought fiercely with the giant bee. In an open space, Hu Zi woke up. He saw the vajra hovering in front of him and used all his energy to control it. In the end, Hu Zi broke through the difficulties and the thousand-year-old giant bee exploded.
The one-browed fairy disguised as Ximen Miaomiao smiled knowingly when she saw this. It turned out that this was the first step of her trial of Hu Zi. After the battle of Baihua Mountain, Hu Zi and his companions successfully entered the final exam of the national demon master, and represented Qi Xiaoxuan’s Baiying in the fighting arena to compete with the other three camps for the dragon card. Hu Zi took the lead and won the dragon card after defeating several opponents, but just as he was celebrating, he was pierced through the chest by Qi Xiaoxuan behind him. This scene shocked everyone.
In general, the plot of Episode 13 is compact and full of suspense. It not only shows the bravery and wisdom of Hu Zi and others, but also reveals the conspiracy of the one-browed fairy and the complex heart of Qi Xiaoxuan.